Why choose GAS?


 It's understandable that you're unsure about which strand to pursue in senior high school because the options are numerous and, at times, overwhelming. Choosing your strand will also be determined by what you want to study in college. 

What is GAS?

GAS stands for General Academic Strand. The General Academic Strand is designed for students who are unsure of what course or degree they want to pursue in college. This strand was created so that indecisive students could continue with any college program.

The Advantages of taking up GAS

GAS (General Academics Strand) is the most adaptable of the four strands available in the Academic Track because students learn and experience something from all of the others. GAS is primarily for students who are unsure about which strand to pursue. Unlike other K to 12 tracks and strands that are career-specific, GAS allows you to assess your options. A Senior High School strand that prepares you for college by taking a generalist approach. It includes subjects such as Humanities, Social Sciences, Organization, and Management. It is unique in that it enables you to explore your future careers while allowing you to figure out where your passion lies.

  • GAS students are being prepared to be professionals who serve others through their ideas and communication. These students could become lawyers, professors, psychologists, or theologians one day.
  • SHS GAS graduates can work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, accountants, engineers, social workers, designers, psychologists, and pretty nearly any other job under the three other strands under GAS!
  • The most adaptable of the four strands available in the Academic Track since students learn and experience something from each of the other strands.
  • The GAS strand provides options. Subject electives are not required, but a skill-based class may be considered.
  • A typical GAS class is made up of a diverse group of students willing to share new discoveries with one another!

GAS has class!

And by class, we don't mean your actual class lectures, but rather the wide range of subjects available for you within the strand, such as disaster preparedness, risk reduction, and organizational management, to name a few. Consider learning how to deal with common and uncommon adult problems and developing your own solutions. That is something worth to prepare for. Most students are interested in these topics because they are both necessary for any job and serve as solid foundations for specific specializations when they enter college. This strand also offers flexibility for students who are still undecided about which courses to take in college by providing experiential education and previews of the other strands offered in senior high school.

You can choose a diverse range of subjects!

GAS also provides a wide range of subjects from the other Senior High School strands, including HUMMS, ABM, and STEM. You may choose to attend these subjects concurrently. Among the more interesting subjects to explore in GAS are Philippine Politics and Governance, Community Engagement, Creative Writing, and Applied Economics, among many others. These subjects provide senior high school students with broad overviews of what you can learn in college, depending on the courses you choose. If you're a GAS graduate, you're most likely to pursue courses in communication arts, education, journalism, philosophy, literature, and political science. However, GAS students may choose other tertiary disciplines that are more inclined to the other strands because the general academics strand develops its students to be versatile.

 GAS student are prepared!

 GAS students are always prepared for college. That is, if you already know what course to take after graduating from Senior high school. This is due to the fact that GAS makes it easier for you to choose the subjects and strands you need to take in order to pursue higher education. Like any other senior high school strand, will face challenges, but the trade-off is how you can discover your true disciplines and which college course they can excel the most in. If you enjoy letters, the next math genius sitting next to you in class may pique your interest in numbers. That is one of the most significant benefits of choosing GAS over the other Senior High School strands. It provides you with the opportunity to discover your own strengths as well as new perspectives on the new things you learn from its diverse range of subjects. This opportunity will undoubtedly prepare you for college and, shortly thereafter, the real world.

In the end, if you still don't know what you want to be when you grow up and want to experience different strands in only two years while learning new skills and disciplines, the General Academic Strand is for you. The subject options are endless, and it is up to you to maximize the strand. It will also help you to have an idea what you want to become in the future. Goodluck! 

Chae Hyun Colindong
Grade 12 GAS Thales 
Core 14 Module 10